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Spinning the world, or is it? |
And it will not work for them, apart from losing weight financially.(Money out of their pocket.)
They'll feel good about themselves initially, then bored, and then frustrated/disappointed or accepting of their 'status quo.'
Affirmations alone do not work in the way you hope, in any of the usual forms marketed to you.
There are several other components to the answer or our solution.
I first learned about the power of affirmations and visualization techniques and the laws of attraction/association over 30 years ago - also having been exposed to it years prior to that as a child.
The affirmation process is based on the following concept: thoughts create feelings, feelings create actions, actions create habits, habits create beliefs, belief systems create human identities, and your human identities create your reality.
This, like everything in the media, or even science - is only a part aspect or even half truth. The realities are either often unknown by the author or 'expert', or not a popular proposal.
As an adult I've embraced the whole concept, and spent time, effort, and money studying this subject, in an attempt to create the reality I wanted.
The majority of the self-improvement courses, books, and tapes taught me various methods of how to visualize and affirm what I wanted to create.
And again, using a good system, in a working manner will get you results.
Many of these techniques are touched on, sadly in a simplistic form, in "The Secret" materials.
It has been a great and valuable presentation, - as it has given a lot of people hope, a few a new direction in their life, and inspired a few more to begin to learn.
For me, I've meditated and visualized hundreds of positive affirmations daily. I've listened to hours upon hours of my own voice affirming what I wanted on an endless loop.
I did mirror affirmations several times a day. I told myself that saying or thinking something negative was worse than saying a four-letter word. AFFIRMATIONS SHOULD'VE WORKED,
but they weren’t working for me. I felt that disappointment., then the failure within - because I didn't at that stage understand why they weren’t working for me.
It became painfully evident that affirmations, alone, were disappointingly ineffective at creating the reality I wanted. Of course this is the polite version of that statement - really my first thoughts were rather uncomplimentary.
Sadly, this is one of the true secrets - relying on verbalization's alone to do the work you are meant to do actively, is unhelpful, and very very unhealthy.
Almost like the magic pill - good short term, better than the other options, yet needs to be followed up with your own activity as a new healthy pattern.
You must see this reality: - success is a fun yet challenging path at times.
In order for the affirmations, alone, concept to work you must have had a life with-
- functional role models, and have been 100% free of , or
- devoid of physical, sexual, or
- all verbal abuse.
Your mind would have to be a clean slate… free of all past pain, loss, and any dysfunctional experiences.
A great aspiration - yet for the absolute majority of people, probably not 100% real.
Unfortunately many of the self-help gurus don’t teach you to clean the slate of your mind first.
Driven by their own self-importance, they instead, teach that you can cover positive affirmations over a dysfunctional past and still create the reality you want.
As I discovered, the “keep going/pile it on top” theory, alone, will not work. It is better than the negative controlling offerings of others, yet brings little measurable change long-term.
It will not work alone, it only creates a cognitive dissonance leaving you stuck in place, buying even more of their products to stay emotionally up.
The average person’s mind is cluttered with contradictory information, courtesy of their past or present, and enhanced by the media.
This restricts
the input of positive new affirmations because of the Law of the
Universe that states:
"Nothing changes until IT becomes what it is."
Another secret here - change the outside a little, or your response to the outside - to change within, and your results long-term. (it need not cost a lot - and it is better so.)
You will only start to create long term positive change in your life when you learn how to clean the slate of your mind, and make the habit to keep it going like that.
That is the great thing about good meditation training.
It has been said that doing affirmations without cleaning your mind… is like putting on a clean white top or shirt before taking a shower!
Everyone sees how good and clean you look, yet the shirt or top soon becomes dirty, and quicker than before.
***Questions, are significantly better than self-affirmations*** Try it for a few weeks - make a poster on your wall/fridge/food cupboard/mirror- or somewhere you see it a few times a day - and where the 'great unwashed' will not demean you for it; firstly of a self statement you want, and then next time try a questioning statement -in a possibility manner- for a few weeks.
'The Secret'-at the amazon shop.
Recommended links to help you.
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Become the best you can be with Mindmint
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