Casting of the spells maiden |
There must be more! Apart from the ever increasing noise from the mass media, which encourages cognitive dissonance - a not happy with this - so buy this mentality.
The changing of our thought patterns to that of possibility thinking, is hopefully the initiative and an answer.
It is one of the answers - read below to find the rest of the habits that are guaranteed to change your life as you know it today-
- Change something and get different results. – It is better to change your reaction, or really response to events to get a different result. If you are making a cake, the end enjoyment comes from the ingredients you put in, and how you deal with them. Take one thing in your day, and come up with a different approach, and apply it for a week every day, and see what begins to happen.
- Waiting for the right time is good if you are prepared. –Don't wait to win the lottery, you might, yet you might starve in the meantime. Start learning the paths of success, and prepare yourself - someone said - for life's great adventure. Most of the time you must dare to jump when you have the opening or chance. If really feel that you want to start with some paid education - Udemy online is a good place.
- Your planning and focus are on the way. – Planning is easy; just as you plan your clothes dressing before going out, formulate a pattern that works for you - it can just be a 60-second process. Here is an idea:- Every night, think about three things that you want to accomplish tomorrow, write down how long they will take, what prep will help, and write them down. When you wake up in the morning look over the list, and then take the first step. If you find yourself being lured to do something that’s not on that short list of three things, bring yourself back and focus. It is your list, and your life.
- Accept necessary risks. – Avoid unnecessary risks, they a huge waste of time. Yet living is about learning as you go, you can make adjustments and carry on with your life, looking back and congratulating yourself on handling that.
- The rejections of yesterday were learning experiences of the world yesterday. –Believing that you CAN is important, and this is what any domestic abuser will try to change. You learnt to walk or move, so you can learn to be in a better place for yourself. Yesterdays rejections means the other person or circumstance didn't suit us at the time. It means we have more time to improve ourselves – to perfect our approach, and to build upon our ideas or skills.
- Take responsibility. – Not any or every event in your life is your fault, but they are all your responsibility. Positively taking some responsibility for your situation, and mostly for your path forward can change everything. Leave the unchangeable past/people behind you as you allow yourself to focus on the present moment. Negatively blaming someone else, or some other past circumstance, will keep the blamer in that place.
- Perfect is good. – Every one of us can be a perfectionist about something. Learn to work out when your desire to make something perfect is advancing you, or preventing you from achieving what you ultimately want. It is better to say, this needs to last for 2/5/20 or 50 years, so you can move on to something else.
- Look for the truth. – Personal transformation and growth can be remarkably rewarding, but only when the process of change is based on your honesty and truth, as you see it. When you’re not being authentic somewhere in your life or with someone in your life, it leads to anger and frustration with one party or the other.
- Be alert to new ideas and perspectives. – To make real progress you must let go of the assumption that you already have all the answers. You can listen to others, learn from them, and successfully work with them even though you may not agree with every opinion they have.
- Avoid negative people who try to cover you with garbage. – It’s a lot easier for many to be negative than positive –and a lot easier to be critical than consider a possibility. When you’re embarking on a new venture,your old associates may be happy enough in their pond, so instead of listening to the critics that will try to contain you, spend time talking to some of people in this world who are willing to support your efforts and acknowledge your potential, respectfully.
- Come up with a different story. – Forget what everyone else thinks of you; chances are, they aren’t thinking about you that often anyhow, if they are it will be helpful to avoid their control. You do hopefully evaluate yourself by telling yourself a story inside of your head. Create a positive or different narrative about your life that includes only the circumstances that matter. Look for a good mentor to copy their techniques. Jim Rohn, Les Brown, and Morgana Rae are good ones to start with. (Some links below)
- Evaluate reality – Remind yourself that not everything is meant to be, and you can accept this. Only 1 in 300 people are worth your long term association, and the other 299 are in the world too, do not expect them to act or think like you - they wont.
- Expect things to be fun, not easy. – Easy things are good, a flow of, or pattern of results that go your way is the better aim. Many an old alcoholic woman, or grumpy old man are still waiting and expecting the easy life.
- Help others, a little too. –At some stage you may like the help they return you, it is a lot better than them not helping or cutting you down. Watch out for the 'sociopaths' or sharks and con-men and women. So give a little and get a fair exchange, or move on.
- Take small steps each day. – It is far more productive to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a giant leap only to stumble and fall and never get up again. The path to every goal requires a number of small steps. Figure out where you want to go, take a step, and keep on going, then keep on going again. Reasonable honest effort and persistence with adapting approaches is the answer.
Easy Exercises to get the results.
- 1--Choose one area in your life that you want to improve, and then in private, and then put the writings only where you know: get a nice leather journal from Amazon;
- 2--Write down the specific details about your current circumstances. (What’s bothering you? What’s wrong? What do you want to change? Focus on the what - not the Who.)
- 3--Write down your answer to this question: What maybe are the daily actions that have contributed to your current circumstances? (What might you be doing that contributes to the situation you’re in?)
- 4--Write down the specific details about your ideal circumstances. (What would make you happy?
- 5--What does your ideal situation look like?
- 6--Write down your answer to this question: What is the next one thing that will get you from where you are to where you want to be? (Think about it. What small, daily steps will help you move forward?)
- 7--Start now, it can be a phone call or two, a notebook, or one exercise.
- 8--Put the list/s away for the week, and tomorrow do the next step
- 9--Each lunchtime meditate or visualize your ideal for a few minutes, keep doing one or maybe two new things to get you closer to your goal. Keep it quiet- 'zip the lips' as a friend says.
- 10--Each and every night, think about three things that you want to accomplish tomorrow, write down how long they will take, what prep will help, and write them down. When you wake up in the morning look over the list, and then take the first step. If you find yourself being lured to do something that’s not on that short list of three things, bring yourself back and focus. It is your list, and your life.
- 11--Appreciate the change in you, and your life as it develops.
- 12--At the end of the 7 days, take out your list, and rewrite a new one, based on that one, get ready for a fun week next week.
- 13--Do it again this week, and so on - the results for you will be very good, very quickly - so long as you keep going with possibility thinking and adaption - guaranteed.
- 14-- Look back each 4 weeks to see where you have come, and what you can do to get closer to that pot of gold at the end of your rainbow.
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