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Our life choices |
Picture a little child’s brain as a virgin jungle of trees and flowers.
When the child has a thought, it is like moving way through new territory, leaving behind a few footprints and a few broken twigs.
As he or she slowly matures, every time the same path is taken, that faint path becomes a little more pronounced and easier to take, until it becomes a well-worn track, and eventually a road, and finally a regular highway, along which thoughts effortlessly zoom.
This is an analogy of what actually happens to the structure of one’s brain, while learning, and developing. The great tragedy, however, is that most of us have suffered unhealthy childhood brainwashing, brought on by immature parents and teachers, who were influenced themselves by the organizations determined to maintain their power.
Think of your un-favorite politician, or criminal banker, and how they influenced you - by whatever means possible - to maintain their lifestyle, until they were too gross in their behaviour.
It need not be as awful as direct abuse, more so a deceptive or one sided minimizing of your life value. While theirs is un-fairly maximized, as the notion of fairness is often applied in their favour - think of your telcos or internet providers 'fair use criteria.'
What feels true to us largely depends on what we have told ourselves over and over. If we have allowed years of programing our minds to accept something as truth, reaching the point where we accept the exact opposite as true takes a little maturity.
Each time we tell ourselves something, or accept as truth something someone else says about us, it is like putting a weight on one side of a balance.
If at any time you berate oneself with such putdowns as “I’m an idiot!” “I’m a useless waste of space!” “I can never do anything right!” “Everyone hates me!” or similar, be aware these are someone else's statements for you.
These are control and abusive mechanisms designed to limit you, and a possible true assessment of escape or the situation.
A standard KGB, prison, or female (especially) abusers - technique, to get you to meekly comply.
This degenerates into a deeply engrained habit, as strong and cruel as heroin addiction, and is designed as such.
Letting other people’s opinion – or whether they ever get around to expressing any good opinion they have of you – determine your self-esteem or your emotional well-being or your motivation, is on par with relinquishing control over your own life and destiny and signing it over to a snake or scorpion.
The difference is you can make new neural paths, and repair the damage easily.
- If you use an alias or nickname in emails, you might change it to something that builds your self-esteem. If you use nicknames or pet names with some of your friends, you might also seek a name that uplifts you.
- If you use computer passwords, you might say to yourself, 'I can do all things through Christ', while typing the first letter of each word. ICDATTC then becomes the new password. If you are not a Christian, choose a Mnemonic (letters as a reminder of a phrase), that help you create the identity to help you. Think of one now, and apply it - if you are really stuck - study some of Jim Rohn's works, and pick a quote to reuse for you. No one negative could guess such an apparently random string of letters, and to remember it by rehearsing in your mind that positive declaration every time you use it is very very powerful.
- Change your screensaver picture to some scenery in nature you would like to identify with - no words - this saves the attempted minimizing by 'the great unwashed'. Do the same for your phone, or pen, or bookmark.
- Perhaps you could put a little heart somewhere, or on your key ring, to remind you how much you are loved by God or the gods. Read the silver spoon post.
- If you are able to, dress a little better, better than normal, choose a new style or an accessory or two.
- If possible clean your shoes or footwear daily, the psychology of this is very important Kits from amazon.
- If is safe take a different physical path or roadway on your daily travels - it is often that the new environment, brings freshness to our perception.
- Choose a mentor, someone to copy their working habits - whether it be your favourite entrepreneur a world away, or a successful aunt or distant cousin.
- Remember no one is perfect in every single aspect of life, and you can learn from the good and bad aspects of people to support your change for the better.
- Therefore, start to be pleasant to your daily contacts - be polite, and courteous- watch others and learn their techniques - be aware of the predators though.
- If you can manage caring for it - get a pet - one at a time, and involve yourself in its development as well. Pet ideas from amazon.
- Bring new people into your life, visit new online groups, begin and follow though on a new hobby. Hobby ideas from amazon. The previous associates you have, will either evolve with you, or leave; - freeing you up for a successful life.
- Hold your posture well. Learn Reiki, or the Alexander technique. Yoga is good - an older male teacher is best to get you started.
A few Christian verses for you
- Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death . . .
- Proverbs 18:7 A fool’s mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul.
- Matthew 12:36 But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.
- Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
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