Despite more than 1,000 people walking by, only a pre-school boy and a few other people stopped to watch him. Only one person said they recognized him.
How could one of the greatest musicians in the world play for - I think it was just under an hour- in a public place unnoticed?
If you felt you were somewhat good at something, you might also feel that people did not appreciate your abilities.
You might feel like you were wasting your time and should be doing something else. And one or two people in your circle will of course say that.
( It could be time to find some new circles!)
You will generally seek out people you are comfortable with, it is only natural. Ensure to allocate your time with people who are exceptional, and who will give you evidence that you too are valued.
Without evidence of your own greatness, you will not be encouraged, and if you are not encouraged, most people give up;- which is not success; many people do lose faith in what they are capable of.
It is now you need to become your own mentor.
A great mentor will recognize abilities in people. They will encourage them to grow in the right direction. Soon, the student may believe they are capable and will achieve. Just a few people encouraging you can make a difference in your life. And if you have had this, you must remember those times occasionally.
You must surround yourself with the sorts of mentors, acquaintances and friends who give you this evidence. And you must be that friend to yourself.
In hospital, addicts commonly focus on an incident—or a series of incidents in their past—as a reason they are unworthy of being happy and/or loved. Most often, it is a parent who consistently made them feel unloved and unacknowledged, which created the issues for the child, in them. And it will mostly be true. Even if a child is good at something, an unskilled or bad parent will not encourage them.
Instead of taking one wrong message as evidence they could do something differently, they take the message as evidence they have failed and are no good, so that they may still be acceptable to their current group.
It is using the bad evidence that hurts us. Conversely, using good evidence can help us a great deal.
As a successful person you must speak of various achievements you have had in the past - to yourself - and always map out a future in a way that makes it seem as if it will work out for you.
When you think of the future, you must always always use all sorts of evidence of the things you have done in the past as “evidence” that things will turn out well for you, as you have the ability to deal with it.
Joshua Bell –the man with the violin in the subway– could be a metaphor for you of the way you are living your life, at this moment.
A lot of us look for evidence to prove that we are happy, successful, popular and so forth – and some of us find it.
However, unlike Bell, many of us do not realize we are successful and great and so we stop playing without that outside evidence that we are. Become the powerful dancer in your own life.
Look within, and remind yourself quietly and constantly of your positive attributes.Doing so will make your path through life easier and rewarding. Choose your very own place in the world.
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