What do you do when no such chart exists?
Depends a lot, on how you found yourself there,- are you choosing to take that route? - Were you forced in by accident, - or a greater power (the weather)? - Did you follow someone else's direction? - Did you make a mistake?
Exactly like life, as it seems to put you in those situations.
For a start - you have a learnt awareness of you and your capabilities - how far and fast is comfortable to go. You reconfirm your safety gear,and ensure all are ready in case of the worst.
You take stock of how it is now, and what you want the desired result or place to be.
You know your supporting crew, and which one's have the abilities- you are also aware of the detractors - whom you are guarded with.
You ensure you and your crew are adequately clothed and fed, with sufficient sleep.
Being cognizant of the reality of nature- the weather and the tides or current - you use them to help you. The stars, and their predictability are your friends- you in fact appreciate the darkness. The sun brings light, warmth, and a position marker, You pay attention to the existing indicators of birds, seaweed. fish and phosphorescence. and allow them to assist you.
If you have electronic tools, you use them all to establish your position or track; if you can communicate with an experienced honest associate to help you, you will. You attempt to find someone on board, or able to be communicated with on shore,- that has been here before, and succeeded in getting through; if not you take charge and carry on - improvising tools as you need to.
In this situation it is commonly the pirates awaiting the spoils- as a taxation or their takings that are your only off ship worries. You have enough skill to know who to avoid, - being the naysayers, the inexperienced, and the blowhards. And you have confidence in the experience as the master of your vessel to be sure of your success.
You make your way with good care, taking notes and making your own chart for another time when you may return, or lead others through the same passage, With lookouts at all positions on your vessel you navigate through the uncharted rocks, gently pushing aside the expected masses of floating trash, attracting numerous porpoises to joyfully surf in your bow wave.
Some of the crew are relaxed and carry on their daily tasks, and others are like a squawking seagull- which you accept -yet pay no heed to-they offer no value to the situation.They will settle down once you are in familiar waters with their bottle of beer or rum and have great pleasure in themselves as a new blowhard.
You make your way through the passage, with all intact, and a new found respect for yourself and your vessel. Knowing that you can do it easily again.
A poem to remember-
In an age when mass society has rendered obsolete the
qualities of individual courage and independent thought,
the oceans of the world still remain,
vast and uncluttered, beautiful but unforgiving,
awaiting those who will not submit.
Their voyages are not an escape,
but a fulfillment.
photo courtesy wikipedia commons S.V. Alexander von Humbold- by Żeglarz