The sower was ambitious.He had excellent seed. And the excellent seed could be an excellent opportunity, an excellent product, an excellent story. So we have an ambitious sower with an excellent seed. But now here is the rest of the story
Emanuel James "Jim" Rohn 1930 –2009.
The story says the sower goes out to sow the seed but the first part of the seed falls by the wayside and the birds get it.
The birds are going to get some.
Now when the birds get some you’ve got two options:
Number one is to chase the birds. And say “Well let me get a hold of them, and I'll........... But, I wouldn’t do this.
Here’s what happens if you go chasing birds: you leave the field.
If you go chasing birds now, you leave the field, which is going to distract from your future, not add.
So you can’t chase birds and try to straighten all this out.
Here’s what it is, it’s just one of those things.
And here’s the best comment when things are a little disappointing:
“Isn’t that interesting.”
Now here’s the rest of the story. It says, the sower kept on sowing.
See that was the secret to his success.
He kept on sowing.
And if you keep sowing, you can sow more than the birds can get because there aren’t enough birds.
If you keep sowing, there are some birds, but there’s not enough, because the Law of Averages will work for you.
The Rocky Ground
Now here’s what else it says, the sower now keeps sowing the seeds, now the seeds fall, the story says, on rocky ground where the soil is shallow, and the rocky ground where the soil is shallow is not of your making.
Because you have good seed and you are an ambitious sower. So the rocky ground where the soil is shallow is not of your making. But here’s what it says that happened…. this time the little seed that falls to the ground begin to grow, and the little plant starts to grow, but on the first hot day, it withers and dies.
The Hot Weather
The hot weather is going to get some. And this is not of your making. Here’s what you must say when that happens:
“Isn’t that interesting.”
What can you do?
The answer is “Nothing”.
You might say”I’m going to change this!”
I would not take that class. You know the sun comes up in the east, somebody says, why is that? It just does.
Here’s the answer: some don’t grow.
You might say “Well, it shouldn’t be this way!”. It just is.
Learn To Discipline Your Disappointment
Now here was the secret to the ambitious sower with good seed, it said “he kept on sowing”.
This is a key phrase now to use the rest of your life. You must learn to discipline your disappointment. Because you did not set up the set up.
Some things are not going to work out, and that is not of your making. Now if you made gross errors that would be a learning experience. You’re responsible for that. But if it is in the normal course of things, this is the way things are.
The Thorny Ground
Now here’s what it says: the sower keeps on sowing. Now it says the seeds falls on thorny ground.
And somebody says, “Well, how much of this do you have to go through?” Keep with us, it’s quite not the end of the story.
Now the little seed falls on thorny ground, Now the little plant starts to grow again. But as the plant starts to grow, the thorns choke it to death, and it dies,-the thorns are going to get some, and that’s not of your making.
And what are these thorns? The story even calls these little thorns little cares, little distractions, little somethings, we do not know what all they are.
People who let little things cheat them out of big opportunities.
People who let little things cheat them out of big opportunities, and you feel almost helpless, what could I do about that?
And you say, “Why is this?”.
I’m asking you not to sign up for that class.
Don’t sign up for this “Why is This” class-too many people in there for a long time.
It’s just the way it is.
Like winter following fall and spring following winter, and summer following spring.
The thorns are going to get some.
But here’s the good news. Let’s read the rest of the story quickly.......
The sower keeps on sowing the seed, keeps on sowing.
The Law of Averages is still going to work.
The Good Ground
But now, here’s what the story said: Finally the seed falls on good ground. Finally the seed falls on good ground- (it always will if you keep sowing).
When Jim Rohn talked about the above story, it was in the context of Network Marketing, (Multi-Level Marketing)-
How can you make the story of the Sower apply to you?
The same wind blows on us all. It’s beneficial for all, IF ONLY you will give yourself a chance to grow.

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