Do you too feel at times subject to external forces?
As conquerors throughout history, have used force and subterfuge to get what they want, for themselves or their kings or queens.
We too are often used for another's purpose.
The control and influence would be better to come from within us, for ourselves.
Recognizing that is the start of a new way of life.
Sometimes we think we are alone in our problem/s, but to look beyond our present circle, and gently act to change that, we can experience the change we desire,
Many a slave,has contentedly remained a slave- be it to a fashion, owner, or thought.
Yet many slaves will create their own world, and leave the imaginary chains of slavery.
A true story.
As she was taken to jail, she walked numbly questioning what would happen now?
Showered, cleaned, inspected and re-clothed in the uniform clothing of the prison, she sat dejectedly on the edge of her bed. Alone in her small cell, she began to shiver with the fear of it all.
As night fell, she slept-then didn't, with snippets of dream scenes layering themselves in a confusing garden of thought.
Hesitantly awakening with the noise and light of the morning, she slipped as she got out of bed, landing heavily on the heated floor.
Picking herself up- she asked what now?
The door was opened by some unseen and remote authority- and the call for breakfast food was sounded.
Making her way down the stairs to the group dining room, she was assaulted by the stale smells that seemed to come from every corner.After what was only a minute or two- or was it hours- she arrived at the counter got her food then made her way to her numbered seat, and carefully sat down.
The food reminded her of films of concentration camps- tiny amounts of distasteful almost cardboard-like lumps.
Why am I here? she asked herself silently; what did I do to deserve this? As the others scoffed their platefuls quickly.
Eating slowly- knowing that this was all there was-(or was it?)- she finished and prepared for the day.
The controller's bell sounded to leave the table-and to take their trays and dishes to be washed. As she stood by the trough with tears in her eyes, washing hers and others dishes, an older woman eased beside her, and said-"nice day love, isn't it"
The younger woman- mumbled " not really. How ever could it be?"
The older lady replied-" you know, I woke up this morning and praise me - I was still alive, and then this wonderful buffet of food they put on here, and all I had to do was a few dishes with my friends. What more could I ask for? And later on, I'm going to sit outside in the fresh air with my thoughts, and my friends if I ask them to come. Then you know- the best thing of all. I get to sleep again tonight in my own private room"
The younger women said "sounds like we are in different places. I'd like to be were you are"
The old lady took her gently to one side with her arm around her, and said-" you are dear. We are both in the same place- looking at it in a different way".............
In fact life may not be what you , or where you want - You must view it be of your benefit to be that.
photo courtesy of wikipedia commons by Charles-Évariste-Vital Luminais
I feel like being i am dragged away - what control do I really have?