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The source of luck - reaping the fruits of success.

As the fruit to the tree and the water to the source, so results are to thoughts.

In nature it's the result of to us, of a silent growth; a process which has long been gathering force.

 The fruit of the tree and the water from the mountains are the effect of a combination of natural processes in the air and earth which work together to produce them, and some say the gift of their god.

If one allows a thought to enter his mind; and a second and a third time he welcomed it, and then allows it to remain, gradually he gets used to it, and being cherished, and fondled, and tended; it grows, until it becomes a part of the self; and at last it gains a strength and force that it attracts to itself the opportunity which allows it to burst forth and ripen into results.

The source of luck.

You must be careful- if you build your castles of thought on the shifting sands. the foundations will be gradually give way, so at last falls any strong man who allows corrupt thoughts to creep into his mind.

Guard well your thoughts, for what you really are in your secret thoughts today, be it good or not, you may in some form become, sooner or later.

Using Your Mental Attitude


As a being of thought, your dominant mental attitude will determine your condition in life. It will also be the gauge of your knowledge and the measure of your attainment.

 You are the thinker of your thoughts and as such you are the maker of yourself and condition. Thought is causal -(not casual) and creative, and appears in your character and life in the form of results.

A woman or a man thinks, and their life appears. 

You imagine your circumstances as being separate from yourself, but they are intimately related to your inner world of thought. Nothing is fated, everything is formed.  
The offering of fate is either an acquiescence, or a dictator's tool of control.

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. You can alter your thoughts, and in time alter your condition.

You will often come to the place where your most abiding and intense thoughts have a sense of internal security.

You are as powerful to obey as you are to disobey; as strong to be pure as to be impure.

Ideally no man is hindered by another; he is only hindered by himself.

Yet. you must be careful- deceitful and insecure people will constantly try to unsettle you, so they are in a position of control.

Your mental attitude towards others will faithfully react upon yourself, and will manifest itself in every relation of your life.

(Use the pointing of the index finger while the other 3 fingers point back towards to you, to be reminded of that).

As the father-mother of your thoughts, and your children's if you have them. you are the maker of your/their state and condition.

When you know yourself, you will perceive, that every event in your life is weighed in a faultless balance.

As you begin to understand the law within your mind you will begin to regard yourself as an maker of circumstances, and will in time become the strong and seeing master of your reality, getting the results you want.

Creative Visualization, Manifesting, Guided Meditation, Self Hypnosis, Improving your Intuition  


Another Plato inspired story

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