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Thinking is it over? |
A relationship, or even a marriage may indeed at times feel like it is better being ended.
Now you chose to be in it or take it on originally - do re-think why you allowed, encouraged, or planned it to start.
Or are you going through some of the typical phases of a long-term, committed partnership?
Sometimes counseling with a realistic professional is all that is needed to re-establish the path of mutual success.
Just because you’re struggling with problems in your relationship, doesn’t always mean your partnership is un-saveable, or headed for a divorce court.
(Which will only drain you, and enrich some would say corrupt lawyers and crooked judges - or is it the other way around?)
The following signs may indicate
the end of all, or only one stage of your partnership.
9 Signs Your Relationship is Over ??
1) Your partner can’t see the reality of you being together
If your partner doesn’t understand how his or her actions are affecting you –
and even worse, refuses to chat about it, and attempt a few changes (with your positive encouragement) – then your relationship or marriage will be a challenge to rebuild. It may be worth re-evaluating your life habits, and choices at a distance, while you learn new skills for you.
2) Your partner sees how things are, but doesn’t show they care
You can communicate with all of your current skills, but if your partner doesn’t care how you feel or whether the relationship is healthy, then perhaps it’s a sign it is best to start over. The habits you have created, and the responses they bring on, will take effort to change. When a non-caring is exhibited, there is usually an underlying issue, that is being protected or defended. Are you prepared to address what is most likely a major problem you are part of?
3) You don’t connect with your partner
When you first got together, you probably felt understood, heard, and connected with your partner. As time goes on, and the influences of 'friends,' family, the issues of daily life, money and possibly a house, children, or careers all take a toll…and you find that you each have a preferred way of dealing with society's stressors. The mutual decision making is not so together anymore.
4) You have different visions of the future of your life together.
She wants a four million dollar home at the seaside, with all her girlfriend's visiting for drinks: and he wants to live in a rustic cabin on a ranch in the country. She wants six children, many grandchildren, and their hanger ons- of course all funded by?? and he’d rather travel and be child-free for a reasonable while.
She wants her mom, aunt, and cousins to live with you in the family home; you can barely tolerate the gossip at thanksgiving or Christmas.
To succeed you do need to agree on your vision as a couple or family – and consider your plan or life together first (and other influences/influencers second).
5) You’re not physically intimate (if this is important it is over)
If you have no love life anymore, to speak of, then you probably aren’t connecting on an intimate emotional and physical level.
There may be power and control issues going on - sadly if someone is in an immature state of mind to do this - just leave- quickly, and quietly. It is a form of abuse, and control, made famous by the KGB- so you are being played, and it is likely your partner is ending the relationship, by a manipulation.
6) You fight the “wrong” way in your partnership
If you can’t focus on the topic of your argument, choosing instead to bring up past mistakes or reopen old wounds, then you need to learn different skills away from this relationship. The more past conflicts come into current arguments, the less healthy your approach is.
This may not be a certain sign your partnership is over, but if you keep acting like this, the other person will revert their behaviour to what you keep talking about.
Propose good, you'll get good; threaten, or remind of unwanted past events - you won't get good at all.
7) Your partner cheats and wants to end the relationship/marriage
Many couples survive unarranged infidelity, and may end up with a stronger bond because of it. Other couples split up right away, as it was a sign of the other failings in the relationship or people. It’s how the partners approach the solution, that determines if they’ll stay together.
8) Your partner allows their past to intrude.
Ex-husbands, ex-wives, or ex's at all. Adult brat children. The list goes on; what partnership is this really, when they have not indeed separated themselves, and offered some commitment to the present.
Unless you want a triage or similar for yourself, leave and find a more mature partner.
9) You or your partner is abusive
If your actions are causing a response you don't like, change them. If it goes on for a week or two after this, there is something your partner is trying to control in you.
Look at yourself realistically on a day away from them or the situation.
Many women for example, are abrasive or verbally threatening in their responses to a perceived wrongdoing - and then question the reactions.
Many men for example, promise too much, and life gets in the way.
Time out, on site, or away from each other - can give you each a chance to determine the next move.
Some recommended links to start you on your better life.....
Buy Roy Sheppards book - "..Be The One", and read it, and start to work at it
Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc.

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*If your situation is unsafe/or may be unsafe - get local trusted registered professional advice from more than two unrelated identities.see important note.
pic courtesy pixabay