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Poverty is in no way - a virtue |
Often we do not fully address the issue of the quality of life available to us. Instead, positioning ourselves as we are directed, by those we listen to.
It is now time to change that for you.
There are a lot techniques, tools and even prayers, and spells; to get money, healing, love, and all those things we want in life. They are important, yet there are primary steps to make it easier.
Mostly the quality of our lives is an expression of our minds. What we habitually think, question, and believe shows in our experience of the world. By changing our thought and our habitual actions/reactions, we can change the quality of our lives, and the results we get.
This does take more than a few prayers or meditations. It requires choosing, and a desire to change for the better, with implementing the actions.
Of course, learning what works the best way as you go along, and doing those new ways.
Many people wish for a better life. Yet to get to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, you have to get it physically somehow first. Quality living only really comes, and stays with, people of quality. Many who want a better life are people who need to work as becoming quality persons.
This can be done easily, with excellent results. The payoff is quality of life that endures for the rest of your life.
Abundance begins in our minds.
One of the most promoted beliefs in our world, is that poverty is virtuous, while prosperity is 'sin.' It is not only a myth, but a deceitful falsehood.
This introduced belief has kept millions from enjoying prosperity. It allows misery, sickness, degeneracy and victimization, and is behind much of our world’s needless suffering.
Where there is lack, there is disease, accident, crime, control, and despair for some. When there is plenty, and it is allowed- there is health, safety, peace and optimism.
You can learn to have an abundance of good in your life.
You will not have to work as hard or as long as you thought. A person who has a prosperous mind will find the work that she or he enjoys.They will enjoy their well-being without becoming a slave.
The myth of virtuous poverty is used by anyone hoping to appeal to the common trend.The rich do indeed prefer to be an exclusive minority. When a guru, prophet, or journalist/author wants to play to the masses, flattery helps. What better way than to tell the poor that they are virtuous while the rich were sinful? Governments and administrations do use the same stunt to placate the mass of the people.
The current myth about virtuous poverty depends heavily on the middle eastern tales of Jesus. Because Christianity dominated Europe in the Middle Ages, its mythology has had a tremendous effect on Western culture. Yet - Pagans, Heathens, Christians of all forms; it makes little difference really.
Poverty is in no way a virtue. Care and good management of your life and wealth is. Poverty is a breeding ground of misery and criminality, or at the very least the criminal's desire to have for themselves;- using their 'skills' as is. Poverty breeds misery; misery leads to despair, and despair brings out the worst in people.
One of the necessities of Prosperity is to stop serving the poverty idea to your mind. It will bring almost an immediate change for you. It is OK for you to have.
One technique for focusing the mind is the use of repeated statements. However, the affirmation is not a complete cure.
The trick is to get your affirmation to be accepted subconsciously, and with ease. Many of the New thought schools teach that if you ram home an idea, the subconscious will work to make it come true.
This is a great system for them, and can work if it is done often enough.(Note the time/money quotient, and where it is swayed to.)
The gurus will use an absolute statement, such as “I am wealthy.” They love that “I am”, and they promote the idea that if a person repeats it enough, the subconscious will accept it and make it come true. Actually the more a poor thinking person persists, the more their internal censor resists. It is not unusual for a person to be worse off because of the strong desire for an equilibrium.
The trick is to work gradually. Instead of saying 'I am wealthy', you can say 'What can I do to be wealthy?....What do I change for me?'
Be aware that affirmations are a small part of the process. They get you started. A prosperity mentality does not come just because you repeated statements. There is other work to be done.
Another help is a focused meditation. A simple one is to meditate and image a symbol of wealth.
Go to the silver spoon post.- Imagine that this symbol is emanating energy. The energy looks like a light, and focus the light to yourself. Think that this power is now filling me. I let it draw me to prosperity. I let is flow outward and draw prosperity to me….” Use your own words. After a few minutes, end the meditation. Let the image of the symbol fade, as you become aware of the actual world.
What the meditation does, is that it helps focus your mind and create an atmosphere conducive to prosperity.
There is a personality to which prosperity is drawn, and there is a personality that repels prosperity.
The key is to eliminate the poor traits and replace them with prosperous ones.
A noticeable difference between prosperous and poor people is behavior. Rather than being a person who is rude, profane and filthy, start being clean, dignified and courteous. Your value to yourself and others will be higher, with better results.
Here are things you must do
Be clean and neat, an easy to start with discipline that changes your view on life, and others view of you. Look to your hygiene and appearance, and bath regularly and brush your teeth.Look after your clothes, and footwear. The same goes for your home space, and vehicles.Be a little clean and tidy.
Properly wealthy people show manners. Do add 'please, and thank you' to your vocabulary. Show courtesy without being subservient or noxious. Conduct yourself appropriately, in each setting. That includes your language, no vulgarity is good. A civil way of speaking invites others to listen to you.
Luck, and opportunity favours people of dignified disposition and clean appearance.
Make yourself valuable
Wealth favors people who have something to offer. By the same token, it evades those who are indolent and wasteful.
There is a probability that you are more valuable than you might think. Even if that is not so, you can make yourself more valuable. By learning skills and gaining knowledge you become more useful and thus have better prospects for prosperity.
Make a list of your talents and abilities, where you want to go, and what steps you will take to increase your value.
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pic courtesy public domain