“the fellowship of those who trust in the ancient gods”…
Even ignoring the esoteric framing, - The virtues proposed are perfect for today- and excellent ways of viewing life, and enjoying its fruits and rewards.
The Nine Charges, or 9 Noble Virtues:
1: Courage
The word "courage" arises from the Latin word for "heart," and it suggests that you are brave.
You can be brave physically, yet here it means standing up for what you believe, even when it would be easier to keep quiet.
Courage also means doing what you believe is right, or refusing to do what you believe is wrong, even when other people minimize you, or your 'friends' choose other ways.
The virtue of Truth is pretty simple. It basically means that you don’t tell lies. and to never do anything that you aren't comfortable telling people about. Part of practicing truth is being accountable.
Pretend you are being watched all the time'- a God, or gods, or mastermind philosophy of thinking, will do wonders for you.
3:Honour and respect.
Allow others to feel an earned respect for a particular action or for the way they lead their lives. Your personal sense of honour (self respect), is to live by the standards you believe should earn you respect from others. You will never need to be ashamed of what you have done.
Respect others' rights and beliefs, and keep your word. Sometimes that means that you'll have to think before you make a promise. If you're not sure you can do something that you are asked to do, it's okay to say no. If at work - you'll have to put your best effort in, and organize help where needed.
4:Fidelity and Loyalty.
To be faithful or loyal to a person, to a group of people, or to an idea. However, fidelity does not include doing something you believe is wrong. The important part of practicing fidelity is to be careful about who you give your loyalty to. If a group you belong to does not support your doing what's right, you need to get out of the group, and be faithful to your own ethics.
5:Discipline, teaching and learning
There are patterns that are worth learning to fit. and also that the way you learn is to change your actions to fit these successful patterns.
The reward is that you make your life better so that the end result is worth the process. The most important discipline you practice is self-discipline.
6:Hospitality, or being part of a community.
In the ancient Norse world, and many original societies, hospitality meant opening your house to travelers and treating people who came to visit you with the same kindness and respect as you give your own family.
**Do be careful, this a philosophy of attitude - there are many in the world that will harm you, as well as good people.
The idea was that we do better by helping each other and when you treat others like they are your family, with kindness and respect, life becomes easier. The other side of hospitality is behaving well when you are a guest in someone's space. It might mean avoiding a fight with your cousin or helping the younger children get something to eat at a family gathering. In general, if you treat other people the way you would like to be treated, you will be practicing hospitality.
7:Industry, or working to accomplish.
Doing more than the least you can get by with, in work, play, and life. Do the best you know how, and take pride in doing it right, whether or not other people notice that you did more than you had to.
Another word for self-reliance is responsibility, especially for yourself. Being self-reliant does not mean that you don’t get help from others. as much as you can, you need to be independent of the help of others.And when other people really need help, you do what you can, and teach them to be able to do it for themselves next time.
Is the virtue of keeping on until you finish the task. Perseverance means getting up and trying again or trying another way to do what needs to be done, and learning new skills and abilities.
No one can beat a combination of ability and perseverance. And if you fail sometimes, that's OK, It's the people who fail and learn, and move forward that do succeed in life.
The habit of practicing these virtues will help you become successful in whatever you choose to do in life.
Besides, who wouldn't want to be noble? You can be.
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(Acknowledgement: https://twayneheeter.wordpress.com/ and Lew Stead’s The Value of Ásatrú ; as the original inspiration for this article.)
photo courtesy public domain