The simple 10 steps to go from lonely to being in love.
Step 1: Make Yourself Lovable
Think for a minute about why you are reading this. It is only natural to want more for yourself........
- Are you alone and looking for friends?
- Are you dissatisfied with the company you keep?
- Do you want better companions and acquaintances?
- Do you seek a romantic companion, a lover or mate?
- Or do you wish to brighten your prospects for new relationships?
Any of these alone is a valid reason to be doing this.
The point is that you want to have better relationships with people.
Look briefly at all of your relationships, from casual acquaintances to close friends to rivals. You are the connecting thread.
When you are seeking new friends, better friends, companions or lovers, the one constant factor is you. Nothing changes unless YOU take action.
This is the powerful key to having better relationships. It is better for you to take the first step.
Everything about you sends a message to others. Through your gestures, posture, body movements, tone of voice, manner of speaking and attire, you broadcast yourself. You show people who you are. Changing clothes and looks will help, though there is more of you that tells the story.
It helps to think that you also broadcast an unseen message, or aura. People who get close will sense it, even if they do not consciously know it is there.
Through meditation and other techniques, you can begin to radiate your interest in better relationships. You can also help by thinking of the kind of relationships you desire. Back your thoughts with feeling.
This takes a little time, but if you work at it a little each day, you will get results.
Once a day meditation: Take a few minutes from the day you are in, and imagine that within you is a powerful internal magnetic force. Picture, and feel this force as it radiates out from you. Imagine that it radiates in waves that grow ever stronger. Mentally see it attracting people who are good for you.. Each pulse draws them closer. At the same time, see it repelling those who are bad for you. See it sending them away.
Next, see yourself as bright and attractive. Imagine that you are encircled in a bright, positive glow. The glow becomes brighter and more appealing. Enjoy the feeling of this healthy, happy burst of brilliance.
Now holding that feeling slowly re-enter the knowing of the environment around you.
Each day feel this magnetic force will grow within you, and you will notice good results.
Journal or diary exercise: (You can get nice ones from Amazon if you want.) On a piece of paper, make two columns - and write down the kind of people you hope to attract.
Put five to ten traits or qualities you want in these people - no more - and why you want them.
Next, on the opposite side of the page, write five to ten things about yourself that you can offer people. Spend no more than ten minutes on this project.
When you finish the list, put it away in a private place, and forget about it until tomorrow.
You are now on your way.
Go to a dating or singles website- a link is below of one- and observe without desire or criticism -how people focus on one side of the page of qualities or the other. Sign out - your journey continues.
Thought for the Day: I open myself up to friendship, and to the possibility of better relationships in my world.
PS:- this also works for success in anything- do one aspect at a time though - that really is the faster way
Part 2 tomorrow..
Recommend link to help you.
www.foreign date finder.com
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