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Am I special yet? |
They in fact never to seem to grow out of their 3-6 year old learnt behavior. From the age of 6 to 86 - until they die.
Their tiresome dramatic responses to the world, places them in the realm of a low grade film destined to be forgotten, and swept aside as a gross interruption to humanity.
This is their psychic trauma - afraid of being forgotten, they continue to resort to poorly acted, yet well planned dramatics to get the attention they crave.
Whether it is know it all opinions, clothing, or lack of it, and outrageous actions-under the influence of alcohol, drugs, religion or any rational they find accepted in their clique.
They harass, gossip, and generally demean others, minimizing others value so that their 'bodacious' body and coiffured hair - to them alone - may stand out from normality.
Offering no value to the world, other than a receptacle for, or as,- low grade entertainment, they apparently simple-mindedly pursue the attention, - positive and negative - of all. They will have sense of unease about them, and spend time, money, and life trying to cover up or compensate for this. Being blonde or some other highlighted hair - is a good marker.
Often a baby from a relationship of a lawyer, government employee, or government contractor, and most commonly found in the non-productive areas:- of political or government employ, as a 'supervisor' in a media industry, as a shop assistant in any good looking shop, as a martyred single mother, or living with a financially supportive partner; they attempt to exercise power by deception and subterfuge:- and the standards of "I didn't see that", "I can't recall," "That doesn't seem to fit in company policy...." etc etc.
Their hobbies may be few, apart from drinks or a sponsored meal in some form with the group or crew - "I must be seen to fit in, but show I'm better than them, so they look up to me" is the mantra.
Their favourite pet will be a horse - of course an extension of power, they so little have internally.
Like most things in their lives - they will not have paid for it, having charmed some individual into releasing funds/time or assets to their favour. Their 'favours' will be effusive, yet minimal in reality; calculated to bring them the highest return for their gift of presence.
The spoiled brat behaviour that is typical of these know-it-all girls, is that they take a few lessons of anything, and suddenly want to bully their opinion - with their often half thought out and dangerous advice, that will probably get someone hurt.
When someone tries to ignore them, or more so - brings them to be accountable; they have a hussy fit and go on their barn witch evil mission.
Always behind the scenes, stirring up drama, creating problems.
As a farmer I have seen this at many places, these charming little bullies that get their feelings hurt - and then do things like starting with poor timekeeping and personal hygiene, then they'll let the animals out, unlock gates, feed horses bad hay, throw peoples tack in the trash, or create situations where their lowlife friends of friends steal or sabotage gear, throwing horse poop in the horses water, leaving water taps running, poisons out, one of or many of, these, and other vile and illegal things.
All the time saying -"I didn't mean to", "I didn't know" - you didn't show me" or "say I needed to today","I had a migraine/headache" "Ive got my period" "I think I'm pregnant" - "I can't get pregnant", "My aunties cousins sisters pet snake is not well"-- I'm sure you get the picture.
They make others suffer when they can't get their way. They will throw a fit, scream and call the police, or involve the courts presenting themselves as a victim. Unfortunately they are often believed, as practiced as they are in their own style of presentation.
The same scenes happen at work, in town, and everywhere the *'Miss Battles' are.
Do not seek these woman out,- (whether they are in a man's or woman's body - the results are the same). Do not contact her or reply to any contact with her. Block her in all your social networks to stop her reckless behavior. Do not feed her - physically, psychologically, or emotionally.
Answer any questions noncommittally (as she does); being aware everything you say/do not say or do,etc.. will be offered in evidence against you.
Be obvious in your good works yourself, it will gain you great support.
Be polite, smile, and create and maintain a significant distance - either mentally or physically, and especially emotionally.
If it is at work, encourage and support them to get a promotion quickly - far out of your domain; - if you made the mistake of employing them - bring on a verbal (recorded) polite warning, and then overload them continuously with tasks (legally), so that they leave of their own volition - if you fire them it will cost you - be prepared.
If you are in a sexual or close relationship with them, very quietly plan to escape, and do so at your earliest convenience; making it seem it is their idea, or that it is the best thing for them.
Introduce and give them to your enemies - ensuring they hold no information or access to your life.
They already have their plans in place - have done since they were or weren't noticed as a toddler.
Keep your comments to yourself, these ones are vindictive and petty people that will use the system against you, even if you tell the truth.
They themselves predominantly operate on fear management, so to anonymously ask the tax revenue office, "how can they afford........?? I think they might be........... I don't know", -- or the animal and child protection agencies " are you aware that.......? or " they seem to be......."
Don't bother with the police, these individuals know the police and court system well enough to get their own way. There are a plethora of government agencies always wanting publicity as to how well their services are needed - they want to prove that their salaries/egos are of value to keep receiving them. Give them this chance to prove themselves.
Anonymous public embarrassment is the key. The anonymity is to protect you, the agencies will not - they are easily duped by the Miss Battles of the world, and,- these people do remember, and have the worst of the worst people as supporters.
Before you do it - ask yourself for 21 continuous days - how would I like it if this was done to me?
It may be easier and better to quietly move on, someone will catch up with them - even the God/s.
You, will not change them - after at least 14 years of the same behaviours getting them what they want, the habits are ingrained.
If they are attractive, wealthy, good physically, or some other desired attribute, by all means share that part of your life with them for the moment -
Be very aware that you are playing with a toxic chemical weapon - and be very aware of the risks.
Out of 17 billion people in the world, there are others that are more suitable for your life journey.
*If your situation is unsafe/or may be unsafe - get local trusted registered professional advice from more than two unrelated identities.
It really is the time for you to now, to develop some power and assertiveness techniques; so as well as knowing the existence or predictable behaviours of these people, - that are determined to prevent your success - you will have the natural skills to move ahead with poise and control.
*The name-'Miss Battles' is used as a representative fiction to characterize a type.
Recommended Links to help you...Choose a couple...
Napoleon Hill's books - the bibles of success.
Discover the ideas to achieve the life of your dreams, with help from the master of success.

Make money by putting LOVE first and do Unlock the flow of wealth into your life...

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Les brown - the master of motivation - helping you. and-

Assertiveness training, stress handling techniques by the world famous David Bonham-Carter.

The Tarot helps - use it; - used as it is meant to be, it is another tool in your magic chest for getting what you want in life. It does make it easier for you.
photo courtesy pdpics,com Abeer khan