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Decisions of necessity |
The financial decisions are for the moment, patch ups, and covering yesterdays, last weeks or last months bills. Your attention is focused on solving the poverty issue, which means that you do function quite successfully - and this you must congratulate yourself for - because you consider the best use of your dollar.
One problem is that when you're so focused on this, you don't notice all the rest. So you're the best shopper possible but forget to pay the electric bill on time- and this in turn brings extra tariffs and unearned fines.
If you're shipwrecked on an island, most people do not think ahead for two months, just to what you'll eat, or where you will shelter today. It's not 100% a question of character - it's what you are aware that you have;- in skills, or resources. Poverty is to a large extent the reality, yet also your emotional state.
Most judge poor people, viewing them at worst as lazy, at best as suffering from deficient financial behavior.
We've gotten used to thinking that being poor is their fault: If they were smarter or more industrious they surely would have overcome their poverty. Which in many situations is true, as the habits of yesterday have accumulated to today,
However, the problems while in the bad situation, for many people are distracting and cause mistakes, especially without support in relearning, or advocating on their behalf - out of the containment of the bank sponsored government system. Men or woman, it makes no difference.
Given enough time, an appreciation of the realities of the system, a person will consider the future cautiously. He won't engage in the nonsense, and won't choose to borrow at high interest he can't afford.
But if you coerce him with strict deadlines and pressure him, he may do so.
- A poor person often has very little. In fact, not only isn't he helped, he gets harassed, taken advantage of, and routinely cheated.
- I have a good lawyer, he has a lousy lawyer.
- I have a good dentist or doctor, he has an alcoholic or a cocaine user for a professional.
- My bank gives me all the possibilities to choose from that he doesn't, and will be purposefully excluded from.
It's not that the world just doesn't help the poor, it trips him up even further, assisted by the bullies attracted to their sheltered positions.
Again, one of the biggest problems the message the poor receive from the system, is that - you're poor because you're no good.
Not the truth, this is another instruction of control (invocation) of those who want to keep you subservient to them.
Besides the enormous pressures, the poor often find themselves criticized, especially if they dare buy anything that seems extravagant.
These mistakes aren't any different from anyone else's, but they occur more frequently due to the element of stress, or the desire to relieve that stress, and the implications are much greater.
The ability to take control, anticipate the future and plan for it seems beyond them.
In reality most of us are very talented creatures but we have a tendency to make mistakes, we must learn to change the way we lead ourselves to these mistakes.
A secret:-people tend to behave passively rather than rationally.
People's default pattern is to adopt a position and maintain it, wanting to change something, or plan to change it, intend to change it - but they won't. The status quo seems easier to live with.
It happens to people at all levels, the successful and clever ones too.
People need a framework that helps them. You must build it yourself, your government or bank will only take from you for their benefit, not yours.
So to answer the leading question - poverty is both an influence - of association, and control.
And also the situations lead us or can lead us into short term not helpful decision making.
Apart from making and staying with a plan to get out of it's control and not re-involving ourselves in it's or the system's nonsense.
We must change our perception of ourselves - to that of a survivor, appreciating our new found skills, and awareness.
Recommended links to help you now

Napoleon Hill's books - the bibles of success.
Les brown - the master of motivation - helping you. and-

Discover the ideas to achieve the life of your dreams, with help from the master of success.

Make money by putting LOVE first and do Unlock the flow of wealth into your life...
A higher Awareness bringing you a better life.