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Positively in love and growing within. |
Step 4: Unlovable to Lovable
As you have been following directions, you will feel more confident today.
You have taken some positive steps to unlock the lovability within you. You are working with the exercises,doing the meditations and using the daily thoughts.
At the very least, you're beginning to feel that you have the potential to be lovable, that you maybe thought was hidden from you.
As we saw yesterday, gross or crude behavior can repel people, as unkempt hygiene or dress will sadly often do.
What we need to recognize today is that anyone can become lovable. No matter how badly a person felt, behaved or carried themselves yesterday, you or they can always start the process of change right now.
The ability to become more lovable is a thing of today, not yesterday, or even last week.
Again, keep in mind that appearances are a small part of it. The real work is inside you. It is the work that only you can do.
Your progress will undoubtedly reveal things that need change. Success often shows you the thoughts and habits which no longer need to have a place in your life. Most can be handled pretty easily.
The way to overcome old problems is this:
1) Recognize the problem, or the negative results of your action.
2) Replace the response, or behaviour with something more positive.
3) Stop doing the dumb things! (With very ingrained habits, stopping may be gradual.)
4) Notice the rewards or relieving feelings from the change.(measure them).
And mix up actions 2 and 3, to ensure the success stays with you
It may seem impossible or too hard at first.Some things will require more effort.
The Secret:-Different actions and responses from what you have done before, will give you the different results.
Your growing lovability will begin to show. Results may be so gradual that you do not recognize them right away. However, you'll begin to notice that people are friendlier, and that you are meeting new people. You will find improvements in your relationships with others, be they co-workers, neighbors, relatives, or friends.
**There will be a handful of unpleasant toads who remain as they were. They may be grudging acquaintances, unfriendly types or rivals.
Do not let their attitude upset you. They have decided to be that way. Nothing that you or anybody else does would ever change them.
Let them live their life, and create a distance, either mentally as an observer in their life, or leave.
Focus on the people who are friendly, helpful and kind. It is easier and more productive to focus on people who like you than waste effort trying to change people who are hostile.
Put the most emphasis on the people who are themselves likeable and who treat you kindly.
Meditation: Keeping with the previous three days meditation (keep doing them). Begin this daily meditation - choose say a different time;- Imagine yourself weighed down by heavy burdens. These may be a lot of full sacks, luggage, or backpacks and gear. Feel yourself slowly unloading these burdens, one by one. Feel them fall away from you, and Imagine the sound as they hit the ground behind you. Leave them there for a minute, and Now imagine that they all disappear, or vanish - leaving you standing there free and unburdened.
Take a few minutes, breathe evenly and calmly, and savor that feeling of lightness.
Next, image yourself filling with good energy. Imagine that this energy can flow freely because it is no longer blocked by the weighted baggage. You are now in the free flow of the brilliant, friendly, happy energy -you own. Enjoy this feeling, and that as it flows, you feel better and you are more and more lovable. Relax, and slowly come back to the real world -rest a short while, and carry on your day with the new found brightness, and the easy freedom you have.
You'll only need to this particular meditation here, 2 or 3 times - to get it working for you.
Journal or diary exercise: (You can get nice ones from Amazon if you want.) Take out the list you made yesterday, and look it over. Look at your assets.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Can you enhance them?
- Can you use them to develop other strengths?
- Now look at the other side of the list.
- Can any of your strengths be applied to offset these shortcomings?
- Are there other ways to shrink the things you feel might be unpleasant about yourself?
- Look to see how you can capitalize on your strengths, build new ones, and minimize or eliminate your shortcomings.
- From this, make a few brief (one to four words only) notes , about how you could possibly increase your strengths and diminish any weaknesses.
Do nothing just now, read over it once more only, and put the papers away privately for the day.
Go to a park, or environment where there are people and it is safe for you, say hello or greet a few new people, maybe a positive compliment, and move on -this is not the time for involvement.
We are just observing peoples reactions to a growing you.
Go to a different dating website link- Allow yourself 30 minutes on a timer: -- a website is below,-- and see how many of the profiles mention their life crisis's or problems. And how many of those ones say how they handled it, and how they approach life now.
Hint; there won't be too many, just take note of how the ones who have dealt with it now state their general approach to life.
**Stay very far away from the ones still in crisis, or with no new approaches; it will only cost you.
Sign out.
Thought for the Day:
Any un-loveliness fades away! And I am more lovable every day!
PS:-Note again how this also works for success in anything.
Part 5 tomorrow..
Recommend links to help you.
Spiritual click- meet your soulmate
Again - check these girls techniques to learn.

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