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Avoid the breadline - change your path. |
Some of the ways rich people Do Think Differently - Than those who are happy being not wealthy.
To be 'rich' or genuinely wealthy read on -
1) Average people think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people believe POVERTY is the root of all evil.
Average people live in FEAR of money. You’ll often hear average people say things like "I would never try and make money from this. I would never do this just for money" etc. This fear of money is a one-way ticket to a place you do not want to end up in. Don’t be ashamed of your need or want for money, or what it can do. Excuses are for those afraid to determine their very own path in life.
2) Average people think selfishness is a vice. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue.
Everyone is selfish, but there are two types of selfishness: overt selfishness and covert selfishness. You want to be OVERTLY selfish. Covert selfishness is for manipulators, and bullies. When you come out and say to yourself "I want it my way and I’ll have it my way, and allow others to have it their way" you do indeed get what you want.
3) Average people have a lottery mentality. Rich people have an action mentality.
Losers state all the time, "if I could just win the lottery. If I could just get a chance. If my big break would come in" Notice the IF word, and the waiting without action.
To get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow you most likely have to take movement towards it.
4) Average people think the road to riches is paved with formal education. Rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge.
Universities are self perpetuating indoctrination facilities, and full of educated sponge/rs.
(And of course, dependent men and woman for your cheap entertainment).
You must educate yourself. You really don’t need to spend time in formal studies to learn it. Every thing is available in some way, for free. If you want to learn about it the only thing stopping you is you. It is up to YOU to learn your craft.
Out of the system - you can easily learn all you need to know to start your new million - in about 6 weeks. Contact us if you would like.
5) Average people long for the good old days. Rich people dream of the future.
Some people call it planning for the future, but equally so maintain a visual of the future and how you will be in it. Actually see yourself as you wish to be.
"Things used to be so great, but nowadays…."
Put that idea aside for the purchasers of your product, and shape your future the way you want it to be.
6) Average people see money through the eyes of emotion. Rich people think about money logically.
Money is like an extra emotion to poor people. They verbalize- "I can’t ever have enough to pay rent and the car payment and the electric bill."
Money is an emotion, in the sense of control and power, used in this way by skilled advertisers, politicians, bankers, and other manipulative 'criminals.'
Really start to think about it like you think about your next 3-30 chess moves. Learn to play chess, to improve your life skills. Chess sets here, and books to help here.
If you’re poor…..reduce outgoings…and then get to work, plan ahead, and quit spending your money on other people's plans for you.
Sadly the book The Richest Man in Babylon has a number of good ideas in it- buy it, study it, and implement some of the ideas.
7) Average people earn money doing things they don’t love. Rich people follow their passion.
The correct word is not passion- this is a deceit it is obsession with focus and persistence. Rich people persist actively in their obsessions to the ends of the earth and beyond. Average people can’t understand this because their obsession stops at their favorite sports team, TV show, the pub, or smoking THC or Meth, or some other similar activity
8) Average people set low expectations so they’re never disappointed. Rich people evaluate a challenge.
"Don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal. Why do you expect so much. Let’s just go and watch the game!"
"Oh well, that will do, it's near enough"
If you hear these comments - these people make easy customers - but poor and ineffective employees, or life and business associates.
9) Average people believe you have to DO something to get rich. Rich people believe you have to BE something to get rich.
"What do I have to get or do to get rich?" or " What is the quickest way? I need it all now"
Rather than - "Now can we attract? What do they want?"
10) Average people follow fashions.Rich people promote trends.
The promoter gets the rewards, the follower, comes of course behind.
11) Average people dress to stand out.Rich people dress in a way to inspire others confidence.
An average person has a number of poorly kept fashion labels, or not, - in an attempt to be accepted or noticed. Something like an overly noisy car.
A wealthy person cares for their wardrobe, and dresses at all times to inspire confidence in others.
12) Average people believe you need money to make money. Rich people use other people’s money.
To remember, you were not born with a baby cot filled with dollars - and if you were - you do have to respond in certain ways to keep the flow coming to you.
A good starting attitude is -"How can I attract, and maintain the flow?"
13) Average people believe the markets are driven by logic and strategy. Rich people know they’re driven by emotion and greed.
Logic is only one part of the picture. If you look at everything logically you aren’t looking at the big picture, as most people in the world have been indoctrinated to think emotionally. When you speak to them logically you are not getting through to them. If you want to get access to them - you will have to inspire emotions -it is a lot faster.
14) Average people live beyond their means. Rich people live below theirs.
Your ambition is to have your expenses met by others, not for you to meet them - aim for this.
15) Average people teach their children how to survive. Rich people teach their youth to get rich.
An average person will only encourage those in their domain to be average. Generally the ideas that college, a full time job, then giving spare cash to the bankers to play with for retirement is the only answer. Safety - as proposed by your most unfavorite politician - is the mantra of the people destined to be poor.
16) Average people let money stress them out. Rich people find peace of mind in wealth.
Money is freedom and does indeed buy you freedom. If you have a money flow you have some control of your life. When you have money you do have the pleasure of saying no.
17) Average people would rather be entertained than educated. Rich people would rather be educated than entertained.
Television, magazines, celebrity websites, sports – the consumption of the average.
If you can’t learn or earn from it, avoid it, - or sell it to the majority.
16) Average people think rich people are snobs. Rich people just want to surround themselves with like-minded people.
Rich people understand the relevance of association, and the contagiousness of fear and poverty thinking. Average people cannot hide their envy and jealousy.
They made the poor decision to be employees, and now you’re a devil because you are either free and/or have money.
You must dispose of these types, by any means possible - they are the criminals that steal your time and assets, and they do sadly breed, reproducing more of the same.
18) Average people focus on saving. Rich people focus on earning.
How many people have told you of the wonderful benefits of saving for retirement and how you can finally live like a king when you’re 65? Most of these promoters, lose the fees (and taxes) you give them while they access your earned reserves, as in fact if it is money - it gets less in value as time goes on due to inflation and deception. Focus on creating a flow.
19) Average people play it safe with money. Rich people know when to take risks.
Considered risks bring rewards. Do ensure the promoter is you, not a government employee, or agent.
20) People love to be 100% comfortable. Rich people find comfort in a future.
Average people don’t want to do anything except eat processed food and watch TV. Wasting your day in any form is not a valid life choice- these are the people that you can promote or sell to - you must be part of the active crowd to be wealthy.
21) Average people never make the connection between money and health. Rich people know money can save your life.
"Well, at least I have my health" The same people, eat and live fashionably, as proposed by their television.
If something has to advertised, or promoted by the news on TV - the camera only points the one way that they choose -not you.
The reality is that money is what is sought by the establishment trained doctors/dentists/drug companies- so it does buy -in western society- the best medical care and the best drugs, as unfair as that is.
You must make health part of your 13 point plan for success, learn how to be healthy, and do not use it as an excuse for failure. And of course avoid wasting your time and money with the essentially corrupt standard medical system.
22) An average person believes.A wealthy person creates belief.
Most average people respond passively to any thing, and believe like many a fairy tale character in the authorities show. Many a charity is formed with good intent, yet those who remain average use up their lifetime loudly convincing others to join the cause.
A consistently wealthy or rich person, will work to create a belief that that the consumers or average persons follow.
23) Average people believe they must choose between a great family and being rich. Rich people know you can have it all.
Average people are excuse-makers, (prime warning sign), and are mediocre because of their choice. A family isn’t a burden or an obstacle in making money, for these people it’s an excuse to be lazy and coast at a job. A friend was a solo father with children from the age of 2, growing up - and he still easily made over a million dollars in the real world. These children are now in their twenties, and very well grounded, and successful in their own right.
(This doesn't say much for the previous and current crop of demanding solo-mothers).
Rich people demand more out of life, and they get it. Demand more, especially from yourself, and your quality of life will go up.
Stay away from poor thinking people - it is comparative to being around a contagious disease - their daily thoughts/habits/in-actions lead them to be in poor health.
And like Ebola, Tuberculosis, and even the Flu, you absolutely do not want it - there must be no exceptions.
Do not allow them in your home, or mind - if they are there just now - start associating anyway you can with truly successful people - not the blowhards in the neighborhood or on the internet. Learn what success really is and associate with more of those people. Leave all the others to enjoy their chosen life.
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Napoleon Hill's books - the bibles of success.
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Discover the ideas to achieve the life of your dreams, with help from the master of success.

Make money by putting LOVE first and do Unlock the flow of wealth into your life...

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