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Beautiful within. |
Step 8: The being of a better you, bringing to you better friends.
By now, you will have experienced some positive results, as you have followed the instructions and worked each lesson in order.
Whether the results are a feeling in yourself or some reaction in others, you know this is working for you.
Your efforts are proving to be worthwhile. You are becoming more lovable.
We have brought out the potential that is already within you. Though it was hidden for a time, your new efforts have brought it into the open. And allowed you to grow.
With this awakening, you have probably seen the error in some of the ways you related to others, and the effects that has had.
And, importantly you have also seen the things that you were doing right.
Today, you are far more into the good than you were when you began this course.
Progress, and success - is a matter of building the good and eliminating the unhelpful.
By improving your inner self, your outside world changes, as does your assessment of it.
It would be nice if the outside world would change first, - yet even though it may - long-term results for you will come as well, from your changes.
There is a Universal principle known as the 'Law of Attraction'. Under various names, it's been known since the time of the ancients.
Even though a simplistic approach, (and only part of what is needed)- it states that your world in a reflection of yourself. "Like attracts like." "Water seeks its own level." "Birds of a feather flock together...." etc....
In terms of relationships, it includes all the people in your life. They are also a reflection of your behaviour and that you acknowledge is acceptable.
A better you means better friendships, and relationships, be it work,business, church, mosque, family or romance.
Think of how you gravitate to the same people, places and things. And how there is a sense of comfort or ease in some familiar way. As you change yourself, so you change the things to which you gravitate to, and are at ease with. Improve yourself and the good gets better, while the bad is replaced, or fades away.
We could have given you a course only limited to love spells and psychology tricks. Or encouraged you to move to another country, city ,or place, or religion or belief system.
These would have brought results for sure, yet the constant factor is YOU.
When you allow the power within you to flow, - you make the changes that lead to enduring results, and get the true results you want.
In seven days, you have taken the steps to discover your lovability. It is growing, and though you have only been at it for a week, the process is going well. Keep going, it will become natural to you, and help you in any situation.
Exercise: Look over the results your lists from each of your previous exercises. Do you see a relationship between them?
Do you see that the conclusions of one list might agree with some of the other lists? This is a clue for you to combine and coordinate your efforts. Put them all together to develop your future plan of action. Put all the papers together, and away privately.
And now start the plans this minute, and continue tomorrow, and the next day, and keep going - no matter of the temptations/coercions to go back to the old ways.
This is the Secret of successful people. You must apply it - the results will please you beyond your expectations.
Meditation: Imagine yourself at the center of your world. See the connections between yourself and the people, places and things you experience. Ponder what they say of you. Know that the message is getting more and more positive because you have started the process of growth. Think of how you are lovable and so will attract love.
Go back through the previous meditations and write down a week as a daily plan of which one to do that day:- then follow that plan. Soon they will become automatic responses to events - and this will change everything for the better for you.
Go to one of the dating links below - allowing up to 30 minutes;- notice how you can quickly see the profiles/people that you would not want to allow in your life now. Don't worry about the seemingly good ones today - time for that soon enough.
This exercise is for you to recognize the change in yourself. Sign out.
Thought for the Day: I am lovable and deserve to be treated with love, kindness and caring.
I know that every day, I become more lovable.
PS:-Note again how this also works for success in anything.
Part 9 tomorrow...
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