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Leadership in the sandpit of life. |
By bringing out the best in people, and allowing them to develop/learn/ and actualize actions and thought, they and their 'team' will achieve and surpass the goals - being of course well rewarded.
Whether you want to be a leader of a group, or just to have and achieve good things for you.
The qualities and traits (similar) of a good leader are really worth learning.
With this knowledge, you can start a daily plan to improve things for you, and know who to avoid before you get trapped somewhere.
Be it in any relationship; work, business, club, or personal.
They have been said many times through out history- though now you must re-examine them to fit your success. This will save you time and life energy,(make your life easier) - Here are a few ideas you can use to establish the personal character of a leader – before you sign on to them or their organization, or in fact where you yourself can change.
Remember = good leaders get rewarded well long term.
Let us measure some of these traits of good leadership.
Do they have a history of winning at all costs or would their followers take a bullet for them?
2- How do they treat people who can’t help them? An easy way to determine the character of a leader is to take note of their behavior toward individuals who have no power or no ability to help them succeed in their current endeavors.
In observing them are they talking down to lesser souls? Your turn is later. Also be aware of the profusely charming one, they use this as a cover - easy to see through them after they've had a bit to drink.
3- Do they have any interest in what you want out of the relationship?
Good leaders view working relationships as mutually beneficial and with a view to the long term.
4- They take the time to discover whether what you want in the long term will be possible or aligned with the values of their own business.
5- Poor leaders tend to want what they perceive you have or can do for their business, whether or not it is aligned with your personal goals and values -- and sometimes even without your permission.
6- How do they treat people who leave their organization? Do they discard people who no longer matter to them? Great leaders take a long term view of relationships, don’t burn bridges and leave doors open.
Poor leaders don’t waste time on relationships which they see of no benefit to themselves.
7- Do they show good judgment when it comes to the fit of the personalities, abilities, and beliefs?
Good leaders understand the importance of interpersonal ‘fit’ amongst the people who work for them. Whereas poor leaders tend to adopt an “if it doesn’t fit, force it” approach, so long as they get what they want.
8- Are they generous and honest when it comes to giving credit to others? Good leaders pay authentic compliments and praise the work of their staff in specific terms.
Good leaders don't need to take credit for the work of others, because they are not insecure, envious or threatened.
9- Great leaders understand that what makes them great is the way that they facilitate the success and recognition of others. Poor leaders find subtle (or even not so subtle) ways to take credit for the work of others. They imply that they had something to do with the successes of others.
10-Do they micromanage? The best leaders surround themselves with good people and then allow them to do the things they do best and most enjoy, within the guidelines.
11-Great leaders know they don't have all the answers and inspire trust by trusting those around them to do what is expected.
12- Poor leaders demonstrate controlling and maybe even bullying behaviors.
Poor leaders feel that they need to control the flow of information and try to place themselves as the funnel of information to and from their team.
13- Is there any sign of a classic offering of bait and switch? Good leaders don't paint a picture that doesn't measure up to scrutiny, or offer false promises.
14- Poor leaders will do so, or will say what they think you want to hear to get you on board; however, once they have you committed, or are writing the paycheck, quickly reveal that you've signed on for something else and demonstrate that they feel they hold the whip hand in the relationship.
Very much like an abusive domestic relationship.
15- Do they invest in employee development, whether or not it’s related to current projects or job responsibilities? Do they encourage learning, or decry it? Or reduce the time you have for it by subterfuge or focused overload?
16- Great leaders – leaders worth following – invest in developing others around them, even if it might mean that the individual will leave for another opportunity.
Great leaders know that investments made in their team will pay off in real results as well as greater employee job satisfaction and loyalty.
17- By contrast, poor leaders tend to invest only in things which will (only) bring benefits in the here and now, and which primarily benefit themselves as a leader of the business.
If you are considering a new position, relationship; or just evaluating your life plan - take the time to get to the heart of what it is that the other person values about others.This is the easiest way to determine someones approach to life.
Everyone wins in any relationship or organization characterized by good leadership.
From this you can see - very very few people make the grade - is this country it is about 1 in 300-500 people have the ability to become a leader, and about 1 in 2,000 to 3,000 that practice their abilities.
Which is evidenced by their lack of long-term security, and wealth.
You must improve yourself, and create a financial, emotional, and physical distance from the poor leaders as quickly as you practically can. You would not fly in a plane with a poor captain, or travel in a ship with a habitually 'out of it' captain -this is your life and the consequences are similar - good or not comfortable journey - be aware of where you want to end up.
It is up to you be the leader in your life, if not in your organization or life relationships. This will remarkably improve your life circumstances.
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photo courtesy of public domain - burning well photos