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Attractive and knowing it. |
1; Will you tolerate the existence of a parasite in your life?
2; How long can you handle supporting this parasite and their hosts?
3; Have you, or are you developing the strength to protect yourself?
4; What parts of your life, and your dreams are you willing to give up?
5; Are the rewards worth it? How can you make them worth it?
90 % of western woman, particularly UK, US, AU, and NZ, and to a degree Scandinavian, and Canadian - have been brought up on the Hollywood fairy-tales of old, or the X-factor of today.
(Sadly, the eastern Europe, Russian, and Asian beauties are heading this way too- their advantage, is there have been less generations exposed to the propaganda.)
These have shown these woman, their mothers with unlived lives, and their friends - that to look shiny - without any real contribution gets you picked from the crowd - to a life of eternal bliss and recognition. All at of course, other peoples cost and effort.
So this is the market you may have to choose from, Now either-
1; Move cultures and countries,
(If you can find somewhere untouched by Hollywood - your chances will be better--possibly Mars, or even the Moon.)
2; Use the 90% as practice for the rare 10% - ensuring you have had a vasectomy, and avoid all the other traps they will try to use.
NB the 10% are often disguised, they definitely won't be blonde or coloured hair, employed by any part of government, or a horse rider.
All indicators of an easily duped, needy or dependent emotional manipulator.
3;Avoid all women, or men in that thinking zone
4;Accept the market situation, and show yourself in your best light to get some rewards, protecting yourself and your future.
Numbers 2 and 4 being close to most peoples reality - read below.
These new qualities will give you the edge, to succeed.
Read through and study them all, then take one a week, and start on it, and keep going to build an amazing life.
1) Look Tall – Hold your posture well. Women want to look up to a man, literally and figuratively.
Learn Reiki, or the Alexander technique. Yoga is good - an older male teacher is best to get you started.
The woman or ego filled young 'male' will try to emasculate you sooner or later - keep them aware of where the money is coming from, and/or take what you have learnt and do it at home.
2) Be Rich – A rich man is a magnet to a beautiful woman. You'll often see the decorative girls in the company of the wealthy.
3) Be Handsome – You will find some people say "Looks don’t matter". A woman likes to be looked up to by her friends with an undercurrent of envy. Looks matter to them – make yourself look the best you can.
4) Be Physically fit – If you are in shape, you can handle both the good and the bad, from her and her world. Mostly it gives you more confidence too.Try The 12 week muscle building program By Brad Pilon M.Sc.
5) Be Highly Confident – You’ve seen the guy in the bar with the sideways baseball cap and the pathetic blonde on his arm following him. Women love the guys we call rubbish. Because the woman are inadequate in themselves, they think they need a protector - be confident enough to give that impression. (You don't need the bar or other loose tart, being with a real and easy confidence attracts a better quality person to you.)
6) Do Not Supplicate to Her – Like a pet almost, they like the security when someone else is in control. Keep her under control if she is not in the equal contribution group, not her keeping you.
7) Be Funny but not Self-Deprecating – Women need to be teased, as this has been their life to date, but they do not love when you make fun of yourself.
Study successful comedians, that do not depreciate others. Mr Bean is pretty good at it.
She wants to look up to you - so don’t tear yourself down, even in a joking manner.
8) Do Not Be Needy – Needy people are used by people or avoided. Get some self reliance started. These woman have been trained from a toddler to express their needs - yours mean nothing to them, unless they get there own way at some point.
9) Don’t be a Nice Guy – You don’t have to be mean or rude to all women, you just don’t ever want to be thought of as a "nice guy"- they get concerned you'll be taken from them, or taken advantage of - then them losing their security.
10) Be Pre-occupied with Your Own World – Make her a part of your world. Whatever you are excited about she will have to learn to be genuinely interested in as well.
If not - confine your time to the one aspect she may offer you, and focus on your life, and associating with others that support this.
There are many women interested in guy's pursuits e.g. hunting, fishing,cars.trucks etc. Do not become a part of her world – do not stay at home and watch chick flicks and TV shows about gay dancers or whatever that is that’s popular right now.
Do your own thing and make sure it is a priority for you. If you have nothing going on then start a new hobby and work on that.
11) Don’t be Too Available – It might seem like she wants a full time handbag (be very aware these get changed as soon as her friends comment on them). What most want is to know you are there for them - and not in bed with someone else. If you are - plan wisely to succeed.
12) Have Excellent Style – Give her an excuse to come and talk to you. Smile often, and be happy with life.
Clothe yourself to give the impression of security - even charity shop clothes can look amazing - get the women assistants on your side with a story.
13) Make Decisions – When she says "what do you want for dinner?" you say shall we have-"Roast partridge with everything, and then dessert and wine".
Don’t play the "I dunno, what do you want?" game, or "I'd love rice, vegan, fried turtle toenails or locust eggs because you love them."
1- Nearly every western educated woman thinks either white rice, or McDonalds is a superior nutrition choice - you will die before 60 eating their fashionable food choices
and 2- They want to be lead, as this is their life training.
14) Be Assertive in Bed – Women do not like timidity, especially in the bedroom. Be a Gentleman in public, be a caveman in private. By all means study the Kama Sutras together....and practice them, but you suggest the next move.
15) Do Not Fall for Internet Pick-Up Artist (PUA) advice – These programs. have a few good ideas, but even the lowest qualilty woman see through them, and now you. Concentrate on this list here, and be yourself.
16) Do not take advice from women about how to win a woman’s heart –Not even your mother, if you really get on with a close sister - maybe. They will lie to your face and tell you to be nice, buy her things, bring her roses and all the other things destined to diminish you. They will also lie to other women and say things like ....no, you aren’t fat! You should eat what you want! Your haircut doesn’t make you look like a boy, it’s super cute!
As inadequate beings, competition by any means is their mantra.
17) Give up Masturbation and Internet Porn - Porn is good for retraining your mind to accept different behaviors or norms. Also to see that there are some attractive women in the world - who do take care of themselves, and know how to act . Use the contact form if you want some good sites.
Reducing your attention to it, will do wonders for your confidence, your energy levels, your ambition and your charisma.
Masturbation on your own, is a good quick biochemical release, yet you will get more of a better quality woman when you can mentally control your 'hormones.' Buy and read Napoleon Hill's books.
18) Don’t Be Scared to Say Hi – Picking up women is simply a numbers game. If you see a desirable girl on the street, and she gives you some eye contact, go ahead and say "hi". "Hello" is a bit formal, "hi" is much better. To get over that fear of talking to women make a deal with yourself to say hi to 5 girls one day, 6 girls the next day, 7 girls the next - all ages and types - (remember the competition thinking; they are watching) - and so on until it’s a matter of habit. Next thing you know they want to talk to, and be with you..
19) Be skillful at something - Better you are not a showoff or blowhard, you'll only attract groupies with STD's, or baby factories looking to strip you of your assets and life. Do hide your wallet.
Having a skill, craft, or work even music, cooking, dog training, fly-fishing, sports etc, or other - allows them to look up to you, and talk to their 'friends' about you (respect.) And you enjoy your life.
20) Make sure you know there are many good women; best not to tell them this, yet if you have this true belief- your confidence and attractiveness will bring you many rewards.
21) Stay clean- STD's are an inconvenience at best, keep yourself clean, and assume they are not, until proven otherwise. Shower or bathing, and mouth washing immediately before sex should be an absolute, say something about now you love the feel of them after a shower/bath; and if you have sex for more than a couple of hours at a time - take a break, both of you shower/sauna/swim or bathe - then return to the fun.
Clean yourself between partners if you have more than one; - as well as freshening up by bathing, spermicidal gels are a good and socially acceptable inter-partner disinfectant, even if you have worn a condom.
(Read the label before applying, and follow the instructions.)
22) Get a vasectomy- it costs only a little, especially compared to a lifetime of emotional or financial drain; it should really be every lad's 14 year old birthday present.
Get affidavits receipts, and the clinical report following to show the success of it, and upload them somewhere private and safe - say DriveHQ . Keep it all to yourself, and have fun.
It can be reversed when needed, and there are many little children that need adopting - if this woman is suggesting children or talking about them, - Can you afford you, her, and them for the next 20 plus years??
Does she have a plan that she will act on to help you??- if not find a better deal - she will.
23) Get other people talking about you - most of my film, music, and TV personality friends find it easy to collect women or men of their choice.
Again, all the woman wants to do is is to satisfy her mother's unlived life, or be the top reptile in her gossip group of friends.
As pathetic as that is - that is their destiny - so you may as well capitalize on it.
Doesn't need to be fame so much, more societal recognition with spending money. As many a priest, or guru will tell you. Do stick to what you want - good people in any pastime or work with other people's promotion is the aim.
24) Travel- It allows you to see all the choices in the world, it makes you appealing to her, as you can talk about all these mystical places with all the future that promises - It indicates you can focus on a goal and are unafraid to go through it.
It gives her a concern you are a free spirit, so she will have to work at the relationship to be part of it - have you read and done #22 above?? Be aware of being trapped, there are only 10% of woman suitable for a partnership at best.
NB. If at any time they minimize you or your things, and do it once more after you've told them nicely that this is a better way to speak or think - find a new one as quietly and quickly as you can,
One does not tear down a money machine still expecting cash next week.
These woman are disposable, no matter even if they look beautiful, are ok in bed (there is always better), or wealthy- and you must allow yourself better.
There are plenty more, just waiting for you now.
Go back and start with 8-9 of the above traits and you will see the change in women.
Remember that 90 % of western woman, are brought up, trained by society and advertising, to be dependent passives; - you like in life must take charge to get anything close to what you want.
You choose some of the furniture in your domain.
If you are not a woman, you don't need to act like one. Nor should she act like a 'man.'
Appreciate her, encourage her partnership with your life if you trust her, or trust her in the areas you might trust her - do not worship her, save that for the gods.
Then she has her psychic needs met and you will get your needs met, everybody is happy.
Some recommended links to start you on your better life.....
Buy Roy Sheppards book - "..Be The One", and read it, and start to work at it
Discover the ideas to achieve the life of your dreams, with help from the master of success.

Napoleon Hill's books - the bibles of success.
Develop a millionaire mindset easily and quickly with -

Plan your next escape ; - you choose where to - with Webjet.
Again - check these girls out to find a good woman
photo courtesy of pixabay