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The Woman/Man of Integrity

The roads you choose in life
The roads you choose in life
There are times in the life of every man and woman - who takes a stand on moral principles when their faith in, and knowledge of, those principles is tested.

And the way in which they come out of that trial decides as to whether there is enough strength to live as one with truth, and join the company of the free,- or remain a slave to the dictates of a fashionable morality.

Interestingly, the times of trial generally assume the form of a temptation to do a wrong thing and continue in comfort and prosperity, or to stand by what is right and change the consequences.

So powerful is the trial that, to the tempted one, it appears on the face of things as though, if they choose the wrong, material success will be assured for the rest of their life, but if what is right is done, the future is uncertain.

There are whispers of, -“Think of your friends and children; think of those who are dependent upon you, won't you disgrace them and leave them without?” 

The right-doer cannot ultimately fail, the wrong-doer cannot ultimately succeed, even if it seems so.

 The slanderer, the backbiter, and the wrong-doer may seem to succeed for a time, but a Law of Justice prevails; the man of integrity may seem to fail for a time, but he is invincible within.

 Nor can he ever be subdued by the forces of darkness, having subdued all those forces within himself; but he turns all evil things to good account - out of darkness he brings light.

The war outside may require you to leave the situation -
 though to leave the truth must never happen.

A higher Awareness bringing you a better life.

Adapted from the great writer Plato.

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