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Being in control and enjoying life |
There are a number of ways we have control exercised over us, and it is due to this control that
most people give away power to others, places, and things outside of themselves.
One of the traits of religious figures, gurus and politicians, is that they are able to convince their followers that they alone will in some way can make their followers happier, more secure and better off. Many even profess to have magical powers that can make you happy.
The entire message of these leaders is that they–and they alone—can be the source of your happiness.
Each religion for the most part—makes its followers subjects, of a God, deity, or gods of some form. The ministers then tell you when you can be happy (following its rules), should feel guilty (not following its rules), and so on.
To most people in the world, their religion is more important than what is inside them. It has become them, and they will defend it to the utmost without question.
It is in fact, one of the skills used by the media, and advertising industry to get you to buy.
Many people get their self-worth from the brands they are wearing and feel that if they cover their body with various brands, they will be or are more important.
If we feel empty or insecure inside, we may believe that wrapping ourselves in costly brand names- many with the labels easily noticed. will of course make us more significant.
Marketers, salespeople and others are all too happy to give us the impression that whatever they are selling will fill the void we feel—but it never quite seems to.
If we believe someone is more important to us, that gives them the perfect opportunity to take advantage of us. I remember the first time I met one of my then favorite marketing gurus. This person had just given a speech in front of ten thousand people and was standing outside the venue. I walked up to him shook his hand and told him how much I admired what he was doing. He thanked me and then proceeded to try and sell the next event to me.
It is worse, when you are desperate. there are some predators out there, and you will literally get nothing.
Expect one party to have the power - if it ends up being shared, good - otherwise ensure you have it.
Because most people are so insecure, they will imitate the group around them. This form of imitation means that they are giving people around them the power.
If you do not recognize your own self-worth, you will consistently imitate those around you. If everyone started wearing a red hat, you will too.
Is there anything wrong with imitating a style of dress? I don't think so, mostly, It protects us from exclusion of our chosen group.
What is wrong, though, is when we give our authority to other people, groups and base our happiness on this.
Take back the power you may have given others and pave your own way in the world. Base your happiness on how you want to be—and not on an outside ideal.
Your happiness, sense of achievement and sense of balance needs to come from within and not outside of yourself.
When you give power to others, you set yourself up for unhappiness and disappointment, they are either not perfect, or in it for themselves.
For many of us, our value does not come from within. It comes from an endless stream of titles, achievements, personal and group associations, material goods, bank account balances, romantic partners, conquests etc.
Believe in your own value - and you will have that empowerment.
There is only one of you. Appreciate your attributes.
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