You cannot make everyone happy. It is an admirable desire, but not 100 percent possible. The more you base your
actions on trying to make others happy all the time, the more trouble
you seem to experience.
As in the tree being uprooted as it is blown in all directions.
You cannot stop all people from talking negatively
about you and criticizing you. The more you try to get others to approve
of you, the more you will end up at their level - their comfort zone - being most likely mediocre.
If you are progressing, in most cases, your personal and professional success will invoke more criticism than compliments and congratulations.
The ability to deal with criticism is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn. If you are going to improve and constantly strive toward your goals, you will need to learn how to deal with criticism. Most people stop and pull back when they are criticized, or they simply do not act at all, for fear of being criticized. That is the criticizers intention. Move past it to move on in your life.
If you live your life in fear of criticism, you will never accomplish everything you are capable of accomplishing in your life.
The best way to deal with criticism is to simply not let it bother you. Once you allow others to limit the happiness you can experience, the person who has criticized you has achieved his or her objective.
Everyone has people in their space that will try to use their negative words to influence you, slow you down, or make you angry. The most dangerous of these people are the ones who appear to be your friends but are not.
You must not share everything with these ones - if the gossip about others, they will gossip about you. Feed them information that helps you only, they only want to be noticed as a speaker of important things.
When someone is critical of you, the best thing you can do is to simply shrug it off and move forward. It doesn’t do you any good to listen to criticism that is intended to limit you. Not everyone is going to be able to understand you and where you are coming from. If you try to win over critics, you will rarely succeed, because for whatever reason, they are threatened by you, and making them feel wrong for criticizing you will not help your situation.
Walk on and shake the dust from your feet.
Most critical people don’t work hard enough to do what it takes to be at their very best. Instead, they do their best to attack and criticize others, in order to make themselves feel better. Let them do this. Then forget about it and move on.
Do not spend your time worrying about what others are saying. Spend your time focused on what you want to do with your life, your dreams, and your aspirations for the future.
Do not allow others to determine your destiny. When you hear criticism of yourself, just walk away and continue on your path. You will forever be held back if you allow others’ criticism of you to affect your happiness.
People today are getting away with literally, murder; the murder of a dream, of hopes and freedom, it’s just that simple, and no one seems to be watching or caring about that.
Again move on , remember- some seed falls on rocky ground, some the birds get, and some will grow.
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Deal with criticism you will face - the unfair comments .....