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What do I do now? I'm lost.

Choosing life's new direction is important. Especially to you. It is always best long term to choose your own direction, rather than allow things or someone to choose it for you.

For survivals sake, we must sometimes do what we can at the time- to eat, and live. As we might struggle through this time, it can be easy to fall into the trap of giving all our energy to the problems, then relaxing with a substance or group that keeps us contained.

In our society we may be the wrong color, religion, race, or be tarred with a brush some else has held.

 Remember they held it-not you;- you may have just stood still long enough to be painted.

Move a little past this and begin to think how can add your own lifes desires to the day.

Suspend your reality for a while, and....

To discover your life’s mission, ask yourself:



What has always come naturally to me? What am I naturally good at? What would I like to   become good at? Why?

What do I really think is important in life (values)?Why?

 If I were absolutely free of any must-be and have-tos, and had to choose a single thing to do or create, which one would I choose the most?

What feeling makes me feel good about myself?

What were the most pleasurable moments in my life? What makes me smile? (What will make others smile = cash)

What activity makes me feel so good that I could do it all day long? 

What would other people pay for? 
What helps me overcome challenges and hardships?
(Develops a support 'system') 

What helpful and positive message would I like to send to the World?

What would matter the most at the end of my life to me?

What can I use right now to begin? 

Think of ways to begin with little money first off-as returns must exceed investments for survival. 

What is first step I can take towards the path of success I have created?

Remember - lost is being unsure where you are in that moment, an unsettling feeling of being not connected with a reality you want or desire.

You have the ability to change the way you see the world, and step by step change it for you. 

photo courtesy of www.