Look for evidence that confirms your capabilities rather than flaws, which are often the voices of others.
As you learn to attend to your feelings (indicators in the environment/self feedback loop) and validate the information they are giving you, you can begin to feel a deeper sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
Trust your inner knowing rather than letting others be your authority for what is right or wrong for you,-(while staying within the guidelines of the laws and morẽs of where you live)- you will start to feel more inwardly powerful. When you choose to be kind to yourself and to others and value yourself for that, you will find a contentment.
Keeping a success log, either written if you can keep it private- or in your mind;- can help you to disregard your previously conceived perceptions and build new neural pathways to support more helpful beliefs.
To help you figure this out, ask yourself the right questions:
Do my actions support my ambition?
If not, what is really getting in the way?
What can I do now to start change?
Does this fit my life system belief?
Believe you are worthy of success, as are all people in their own way. Understanding, and diminishing the limiting beliefs you may have and how they are keeping you from
reaching your goals is critical to your success.
photo courtesy of www.alegriphotos.com