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Affirming your own strength in bad situations - what helps ....

Being tough and resilient in the face of it all.


It is not the load that breaks you, it’s the way you carry it. (and why you keep accepting more).

Life may feel like a battlefield at times, especially if our underlying belief is that we must fight to be happy, we must fight to succeed.

In some ways this is true, yet even the greatest of warriors were able to rest when needed.

The Roots of Adversity


 Desire and expectation. resisting the reality of a situation as it is; and desiring it to be otherwise.
Without an awareness of what can be done to change it for the better,

This is often a cause of bitterness and hatred, and a depressive state of thought- as a means of somehow controlling the world out there.

Developing a Tough And Resilient attitude.

Firstly ….  For some people developing strength of mind comes quickly and easily.
You can be one of those lucky people. Read on and practice..........

1.Look forward to a better future date.
In a minute or two, or days or weeks  from now,things will have changed, visualize and own that point in time.

2.You will be able to handle the worst, others have, so can you.
Think about the worst possible  that could happen in your situation …come up with a contingency plan. Anxiety is from the fear that we don’t have the ableness to handle whatever comes our way.

3.Affirm your own strength.
Our inner, unconscious thoughts and chatter have a really powerful way of influencing our waking life.  Some affirmations include: “If I dealt with this (past event) I can solve any problem and get through this challenge”, “If they could have, I can.” " Someone has to, it may as  be me."
Come up with 3 or 4 favorites for you - use them at every opportunity.

4.Think a little about how you view it.
How are you starting your morning? what thoughts can you use to allow  you a better result? Slow gown on the resisting of life and carrying too many desires and expectations at once. Desires and expectations are in fact good- yet if you feel overwhelmed , let the tide recede for a few minutes.

5.Setbacks are part of the process.
Rejection and failure is a normal and natural event of life. Just part of "Oh well, this way didn't work.....what can I do now that will"

6.It will pass.
No failure, fear, tragedy, anger or pain does really last forever.  Everything passes with both change and time.  The tide on the seashore moves both in and out. -take time out and go to the beach and see for yourself. Take comfort in this thought often, as it helps reduce the pain of any issue in life you may experience.

7.See the funny side of it all, in a pleasant way.
Seeing the funny side of life can be difficult, but it pays to develop a well-rounded sense of humor.  Laughter is super, it relaxes you, allows you to breathe better, changes those neural pathways, to open up new possibilities.
If it is too hard, read some comics, watch a silent movie, pretty harmless stuff.

8.Take care of yourself.
It’s tempting to neglect ourselves when the going gets tough, but this is critical - by taking care of  your nutrition, body, and general mental and emotional well-being, you send a message to yourself that you are valuable. And saves lots of problems in the future.

9.Accept what you can’t change.
Change it if you can, though  continuing to struggle against what we can’t change lowers our potential to be the best we can. This is a hassle, when you are faced with the big things in life - but it is an essential view, so as to develop resiliency in the face of adversity.

10.Allow yourself an inner joy.  Find a consuming passion.
Life doesn’t have to be this way. Maybe this is a new path you can take. A new career? a new place? A new pastime? Or just focusing on what is really important for you.

 We have the power to decide where our joy and happiness comes from, and once we let ourselves think this, we see that it isn’t useful to invest much of our time or energy into people or things that are not constantly there.

Note: Prayer if you value that, does help, - it  does have be combined with action.

Assertiveness training, stress handling techniques by the world famous David Bonham-Carter.

photo courtesy public domain